Fachschaft und Studiengangleitung haben sich gemeinsam fünf Fragen an Dozierende des Studiengangs überlegt, die Studierenden die Gelegenheit geben sollen die Dozent*innen ein wenig besser kennenzulernen.
Dr.in Carolin Ermer – Webseite der EUF

1. How did you decide on your field of study?
In a former live I was head of design and owner of caro e., a sustainable handknit fashion label in Berlin (www.caro-e.de) and got more and more drawn into topics of sustainability and education. I started teaching in fashion design studies at several universities in Berlin and did my own master thesis in adult education next to my own teaching since I was drawn into the state of the art of higher education for sustainability (HESD). My research focus today is located at the intersection of education in fashion, design, textiles and sustainabilty. Lately I finished my PhD, research topic critical design and critical fashion, and my latest projects are concentrating on craft as a medium for bodily engagement and somatic experience in learning situations.
2. What was your best KSM seminar topic to date, and what would be a desirable topic for a future KSM seminar?
This is my first KSM seminar.
3. What book has particularly influenced you, or is a must read?
That´s a difficult question. I read a lot. In the last months, I am very interested in everything that has a future-oriented and speculative focus and is looking for solutions and alternative ways of living, designing, working while fighting against the biggest crisis of our time, climate change. A few books lying on my desk at the moment are: Zur Entstehung einer ökologischen Klasse. Ein Memorandum (Latour & Schultz, 2022), Critical Craft (Eds. Clark et al, 2016), Making Trouble (Von Busch, 2022), Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene a review (Haraway, 2018).
4. Is the glass half full or half empty?
Always half full! 😉
5. Looking back from your own experience, what advice would you give to your former student self?
Don’t take too serious what other people say and think of you and of what you are doing. Listen to your own guts. If it feels right, it is right. Make your own experiences and be proud of them, even if you fail sometimes. Failing is a part of our life.