Leefke L.
I did an internship of a duration of two months at the nongovernmental organization EDUCA International, o.p.s in Prague. The organization is part of a consortium of 24 Czech universities and coordinates and finances Erasmus+ mobilities for postgraduates. Initially my position was a Podcast Trainee. However, because the position of a Social Media Trainee which is normally covered by an intern as well was free and my mentor asked me to also overtake this role, which I then did. I am glad to have been responsible for both the podcast and the Social Media because each of the two positions was connected to a rather low workload, so that even with both positions I had plenty of free time.
I had to cut videos, match audio files with the corresponding video files to create the video of each podcast episode. The podcast is a project that my mentor started as a way to share experiences of former Erasmus trainees and students so that students interested in Erasmus+ can learn about chances, obstacles and more connected to Erasmus+ mobilities. I was responsible for the whole process of creating the podcast episodes. So, I did not observe other colleagues and then copied what they were doing but I had to think about which interview questions I wanted to ask during the interview in the podcast studio and I had to think about which video editing programmes I then want to use for the post editing. Also, I had to upload the then finished videos on YouTube and promote the releases on the NGO´s Instagram – and Facebook channels.
As far as the Social Media work is concerned, I had to post at least two posts per week. The posts were partly about the NGO´s work, events that they or their stakeholders organized, Erasmus+ offers and more. Often I could come up with my own ideas and then prepared posters, covers, layouts etc. in Canva and then post them via Meta Business Suite.
What I really like about the internship is that there was a variety of several unique activities and events taking place that I was allowed to participate in. For example, my mentor signed me and the other trainee up for an international BIP and staff week at a business university in Prague. We were sitting in interesting workshops designed for Erasmus staff such as managers, international coordinators and heads of departments. I was asked to present my Erasmus+ experiences in front of the students that were participating in the international BIP for students that was taking place simultaneously with the BIP for staff that we were participating in. This week was definitely my highlight because I got to network a lot and also got an idea of what international events in the academic realm look like. So I did not only learn about the NGO´s work but also about parts of the work of among others doctorates and managers.
The team of the NGO consists of three permanent staff members and often one to three trainees. During most of my time there was a second trainee in the office, which I really appreciated. We were allowed to do home office half of the week, which I really enjoyed because the office was located a bit out of the city centre.
Ultimately, I learned several skills regarding video editing, Social Media work, an NGO´s work, Erasmus+ coordination, international work in the academics, presenting, designing covers, and more. I increased my creative thinking skills and my presenting skills. I learned that Prague is very nice for living!