5 Fragen an: Prof. Dr. Nils Langer

Fachschaft und Studiengangleitung haben sich gemeinsam fünf Fragen an Dozierende des Studiengangs überlegt, die Studierenden die Gelegenheit geben sollen die Dozent*innen ein wenig besser kennenzulernen.

Prof. Dr. Nils Langer – Webseite der EUF

Foto von drei Dackeln

1. How did you decide on your field of study?

I wanted to live in England for a bit, decided that studying there might be a good idea and applied for places at universities. I received four rejections and one offer and thus embarked on a B.A. in English and German Linguistics at the University of Newcastle on Tyne. I knew very little about the topic which was a stroke of luck. Everything was new and I decided to find everything exciting. This helped with settling into a new environment, culture and country. A short 25 years later I moved back to Germany.

2. What was your best KSM seminar topic to date, and what would be a desirable topic for a future KSM seminar?

The History of Linguistic Purism (= Richtiges und Gutes Deutsch von Schottelius bis Sick)

3. What book has particularly influenced you, or is a must read?

The name of the rose. Die drei ??? und der magische Kreis. Robert Burchfield´s The English Language.

4. Is the glass half full or half empty?

I prefer mugs and cups.

5. Looking back from your own experience, what advice would you give to your former student self?

Embrace everything. Feel privileged to be able to structure your day and study what you´re interested in. Go to research colloquia and public lectures. Find out about the city and region you live in: you will have to tell your grandchildren about this, so make sure you have some interesting stories ready. Learn Frisian!